Teen Driver Ed

Gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to navigate the road safely and responsibly. Register today to take the first step towards becoming a confident and competent driver.

In-Person 8-Hour Class

Jul 6
8:30 am

This in-person class is held on the first Saturday of each month. The classroom is located at The Old Mill, 711 E Main Street. Lunch will be provided.

Aug 3
8:30 am

This in-person class is held on the first Saturday of each month. The classroom is located at The Old Mill, 711 E Main Street. Lunch will be provided.

Sep 7
8:30 am

This in-person class is held on the first Saturday of each month. The classroom is located at The Old Mill, 711 E Main Street. Lunch will be provided.

Oct 5
8:30 am

This in-person class is held on the first Saturday of each month. The classroom is located at The Old Mill, 711 E Main Street. Lunch will be provided.

Nov 2
8:30 am

This in-person class is held on the first Saturday of each month. The classroom is located at The Old Mill, 711 E Main Street. Lunch will be provided.

Dec 7
8:30 am

This in-person class is held on the first Saturday of each month. The classroom is located at The Old Mill, 711 E Main Street. Lunch will be provided.